Josho Brouwers

Josho Brouwers

Josho Brouwers is the editor-in-chief of Ancient World Magazine. He holds an MA and PhD in Mediterranean archaeology, specializing in war, violence, and society in the ancient Aegean. From 2012 to 2023, he served as editor for print magazines and books. Josho now works as a web developer in Vienna.


Displaying items 301 to 312 of 318

Hercules Reborn (2014)
Hercules Reborn (2014)
A disaster of a movie

Josho Brouwers

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The Legend of Hercules (2014)
The Legend of Hercules (2014)
Does not live up to expectations

Josho Brouwers

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Phalanx and fallacies
Phalanx and fallacies
Ways forward in the study of ancient Greek warfare

Josho Brouwers

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Ares, the god of war
Ares, the god of war
Ancient, wild, beastly, hated

Josho Brouwers

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Sports in ancient Greece
Sports in ancient Greece

Josho Brouwers

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300 (2006)
300 (2006)
The good, the bad, and the downright ugly

Josho Brouwers

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The Alexander Sarcophagus
The Alexander Sarcophagus

Josho Brouwers

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Homer and history
Homer and history

Josho Brouwers

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The grief of Achilles
The grief of Achilles

Josho Brouwers

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The ambidextrous hero

Josho Brouwers

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A Storm of Spears
A Storm of Spears
A book by Christopher Matthew (2012)

Josho Brouwers

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A look at Lydian warfare
A look at Lydian warfare

Josho Brouwers

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