Ancient World Magazine offers a place for trained archaeologists and ancient historians to write about the ancient world in an accessible way. In particular, it is one of the few outlets available for (under)graduates to get their feet wet when it comes to reaching a wide audience.
With more than 30,000 readers a month, Ancient World Magazine has a readership superior to any peer-reviewed journal, making the site also a suitable place for established scholars to publish. Furthermore, while we do not engage in regular peer review, each article is read by members of the editorial board, and specialists are called in if necessary in order to safeguard the quality of our content.
While the benefits of the website are clear, running it costs money. Ideally, we would like to have enough funds to pay for at least one fresh article a week (at €100 an article), cover all of the expenses connected to running the website, and pay the editorial team for their efforts (they are currently all doing volunteer duty).
Individual sponsorship
If you are an individual and wish to help us out, you can do so by giving us any amount of money that you think our efforts are worth. The easiest way to do so is by joining our community on Patreon. If you don’t want to subscribe, you can also, if you so desire, give something to the PayPal account of our editor-in-chief, Dr Josho Brouwers.
In the latter case, it is possible to express a particular wish for how you want your money to be used if you give at least €100. For example, you can sponsor an episode of the podcast or request that the money is used for an article on a particular topic (e.g. Mycenaean ritual practices or Etruscan food). Simply contact us if you want the money to be used in a particular way.
Patrons and private sponsors are not listed on the website by default for privacy reasons, but if you do prefer your name to be explicitly mentioned somewhere, just let us know.
Corporate or institutional sponsors
We would welcome your company or institution if you wish to sponsor Ancient World Magazine. The minimum contribution for corporate or institutional sponsorship is €5,000 a year. This is the amount of money necessary to pay for a fresh article every week (depending on the number of submissions we receive). Additional funds will be used, first, to pay expenses related to the website, and, secondly to provide payment to members of the editorial board. Any funds that remain are used to create further content (especially episodes of the podcast and videos), or kept for the future.
Corporate and institutional sponsors will be credited in the footer of every page on the website with their logo and, if so desired, a link to their (main) website. Logos remain in the footer for at least 18 months after the date of the original donation; larger donations will remain on the site for longer (12 additional months on top of the default 18 months for every €5,000 above the minimum required).
We retain the right to refuse sponsorships from companies and institutions if we feel that there might be an ethical conflict in accepting their support.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us.