
Displaying items 73 to 84 of 122

Meeting the gods
Meeting the gods
Encountering the Temple of Apollo on Ortygia

Joshua R. Hall

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Ancient Greek shield blazons
Ancient Greek shield blazons

Josho Brouwers

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The Punic Sacred Band
The Punic Sacred Band
Clearing up confusion

Joshua R. Hall

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The Alexander Mosaic
The Alexander Mosaic
Experiencing a masterpiece

Josho Brouwers

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Ignoring the sage adviser II
Ignoring the sage adviser II
Memnon of Rhodes

Josho Brouwers

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Ignoring the sage adviser
Ignoring the sage adviser
Artemisia of Halicarnassus

Josho Brouwers

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The afterlife of a Greek temple
The afterlife of a Greek temple
The Duomo of Syracuse

Joshua R. Hall

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Early Tarentine warfare
Early Tarentine warfare
The horse or the hoplite?

Joshua R. Hall

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Achilles’ slaying of Troilus
Achilles’ slaying of Troilus

Josho Brouwers

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Odysseus the foreigner
Odysseus the foreigner

Joshua R. Hall

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A poet and a mercenary?

Josho Brouwers

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Odysseus the jerk
Odysseus the jerk
A terrible (fictional) person

Josho Brouwers

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